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Guava Fruit


The guava fruit is rich in both vitamins A and C and contains antioxidants, carotenoids and polyphenols; therefore, the guava is good for one's vision and has anti-aging benefits for the skin. Their leaves and bark have antimicrobial properties and are rich in fiber and have four times the amount of vitamin C as oranges, which helps boost the body's immunity and protects it against pathogens that cause infection.




Organic Pomegranate Prevent Coronary Artery Disease Progression

PromegranatePomegranate's value in cardiovascular disease is quite broad, as evidenced by the following experimentally confirmed properties:

Anti-inflammatory: Promegranate
Like many chronic degenerative diseases, inflammation plays a significant role in cardiovascular disease pathogenesis. There are five studies on indicating pomegranate's anti-inflammatory properties.

Blood-Pressure Lowering:
Pomegranate juice has natural angiotensin converting enzyme inhibiting properties, and is a nitric oxide enhancer, two well-known pathways for reducing blood pressure. Finally, pomegranate extract rich in punicalagin has been found reduce the adverse effects of perturbed stress on arterial segments exposed to disturbed flow.
Plaque buildup in the arteries often involves secondary viral and bacterial infection, including hepatitis C and Chlamydia pneumoniae. Pomegranate has a broad range of anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.

One of the ways in which blood lipids become heart disease-promoting (atherogenic) is through oxidation. LDL, for instance, may be technically 'elevated' but harmless as long as it does not readily oxidize. Pomegranate has been found to reduce the oxidative stress in the blood, as measured by serum paraoxonase levels. One study in mice found this decrease in oxidative stress was associated with 44% reduction in the size of atherosclerotic lesions

Reduced levels of oxidative stress
Reduced monocytie chemotactic protein-1, a chemical messenger (chemokine) associated with inflammatory processes within the arteries.
Reduced lipid accumulation in the heart muscle
Reduced macrophage infiltration in the heart muscle
Reduced levels of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and fibrosis in the myocardium
Reduced cardiac enlargement
Reduced ECG abnormalities


pearsA 2007 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who ate a diet high in fruits loaded with flavonoids such as pears and apples had a lower risk of coronary heart disease.

The researchers found that these fruits (pears included) could decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality, especially in postmenopausal women.Pears can also be very helpful for maintaining colon health. Likewise, the pectin content of pears can also act as a mild laxative during times of constipation.







Blueberries lower the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes

BlueberryNutrients, phytochemicals and researchBlueberries-7209
Blueberries have a diverse range of micronutrients, with moderate levels (relative to respective Dietary Reference Intakes) of the essential dietary mineral manganese, vitamin C, vitamin K and dietary fiber(table).[31] One serving provides a relatively low glycemic load score of 4 out of 100 per day.

Blueberries contain anthocyanins, other pigments and various phytochemicals, which are under preliminary research for their potential role in reducing risks of diseases such as inflammation and cancer. Similar to red grape, blueberries may contain resveratrol.

Most studies have been conducted using the highbush cultivar of blueberries (V. corymbosum), while content of polyphenols and anthocyanins in lowbush (wild) blueberries (V. angustifolium) exceeds values found in highbush cultivar


Considering the health benefits of kiwi

Kiwi-Fruit-Wallpaper-fruit-7004620-1024-768Kiwi-Fruit-Wallpaper-fruit-7004620-1024-768The fuzzy fiber of kiwi is able to bind and move toxins from your digestive tract.

Kiwi contains a rich supply of minerals and vitamins important for your health. Kiwi is in the 'most alkaline' category of fruits, helping you obtain alkaline balance and counteracting the excess of harmful acidic foods in your diet. Kiwi is also a great source of vitamin C, a nutrient proven to boost the immune system.

Digestion is an important part of your bodily functions; and enzymes, such as the protein-dissolving actinidain found in raw kiwi, help your body digest meals.

The ability to break down foods in an efficient manner is essential to your body's well-being. Once your food has been broken down and absorbed within your stomach, it must also be rid from the body in a timely fashion. Kiwi's excellent source of fiber protects your body from intestinal problems and prevents constipation.

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